Selasa, 11 September 2012

Profil Arif budiman

Arief Budiman (lahir di Jakarta, 3 Januari 1941; umur 71 tahun), dilahirkan dengan nama Soe Hok Djin, adalah seorang aktivis demonstran Angkatan '66 bersama dengan adiknya, Soe Hok Gie. Pada waktu itu ia masih menjadi mahasiswa Fakultas Psikologi Universitas Indonesia di Jakarta. Ayahnya seorang wartawan yang bernama Soe Lie Piet.
Sejak masa mahasiswanya, Arief sudah aktif dalam kancah politik Indonesia, karena ia ikut menandatangani Manifesto Kebudayaan pada tahun 1963 yang menentang aktivitas LEKRA yang dianggap memasung kreativitas kaum seniman.
Kendati ikut melahirkan Orde Baru, Arief bersikap sangat kritis terhadap politik pemerintahan di bawah Soeharto yang memberangus oposisi dan kemudian diperparah dengan praktik-praktik korupsinya. Pada pemilu 1973, Arief dan kawan-kawannya mencetuskan apa yang disebut Golput atau Golongan Putih, sebagai tandingan Golkar yang dianggap membelokkan cita-cita awal Orde Baru untuk menciptakan pemerintahan yang demokratis.
Belakangan Arief "mengasingkan diri" di Harvard dan mengambil gelar Ph.D. dalam ilmu sosiologi serta menulis disertasi tentang keberhasilan pemerintahan sosialis Salvador Allende di Chili.
Kembali dari Harvard, Arief mengajar di UKSW (Universitas Kristen Satya Wacana) di Salatiga. Ketika UKSW dilanda kemelut yang berkepanjangan karena pemilihan rektor yang dianggap tidak adil, Arief melakukan mogok mengajar, dipecat dan akhirnya hengkang ke Australia serta menerima tawaran menjadi profesor di Universitas Melbourne.
Pada bulan Agustus 2006, beliau menerima penghargaan Bakrie Award, acara tahunan yang disponsori oleh keluarga Bakrie dan Freedom Institute untuk bidang penelitian sosial.
Arief menikah dengan Leila Chairani Budiman, teman kuliahnya di Fak. Psikologi, UI.

AUGUST COMTE English version

Isidore Auguste Marie François Xavier Comte (19 January 1798 – 5 September 1857), better known as Auguste Comte [oɡyst kɔ̃t], was a French philosopher. He was a founder of the discipline of sociology and of the doctrine of positivism. He may be regarded as the first philosopher of science in the modern sense of the term.
Strongly influenced by the Utopian socialist Henri Saint-Simon, Comte developed the positive philosophy in an attempt to remedy the social malaise of the French revolution, calling for a new social doctrine based on the sciences. Comte was a major influence on 19th century thought, impacting the work of social thinkers such as Karl Marx, John Stuart Mill, and George Eliot.[2] His concept of sociologie and social evolutionism, though now outdated, set the tone for early social theorists and anthropologists such as Harriet Martineau and Herbert Spencer, evolving into Modern academic sociology presented by Émile Durkheim as practical and objective social research.
Comte's social theories culminated in the "religion of humanity", which was influential to the development of religious humanist and Secular Humanist organizations in the 19th century. Comte likewise coined the word "altruism".[3]


Comte's grave at Père Lachaise Cemetery
Comte was born in Montpellier, Hérault, in southern France on 19 January 1798. After attending the Lycée Joffre[4] and then the University of Montpellier, Comte was admitted to the École Polytechnique in Paris. The École Polytechnique was notable for its adherence to the French ideals of republicanism and progress. The École closed in 1816 for reorganization, however, causing Comte to leave and continue his studies at the medical school at Montpellier. When the École Polytechnique reopened, he did not request readmission.
Following his return to Montpellier, Comte soon came to see unbridgeable differences with his Catholic and Monarchist family and set off again for Paris, earning money by small jobs. In August 1817, he became a student and secretary to Claude Henri de Rouvroy, Comte de Saint-Simon, who brought Comte into contact with intellectual society and greatly influenced his thought thereon. It is during that time that Auguste Comte published his first essays in the various publications headed by Saint-Simon, L'Industrie, Le Politique, and L'Organisateur (Charles Dunoyer and Charles Comte's Le Censeur Européen), although he would not publish under his own name until 1819's "La séparation générale entre les opinions et les désirs" ("The general separation of opinions and desires"). In 1824, Comte left Saint-Simon, again because of unbridgeable differences. Comte published a Plan de travaux scientifiques nécessaires pour réorganiser la société (1822) (Plan of scientific studies necessary for the reorganization of society). But he failed to get an academic post. His day-to-day life depended on sponsors and financial help from friends. Debates rage as to how much Comte appropriated from the work of Saint-Simon.[5]
Comte married Caroline Massin, but divorced in 1842. In 1826, he was taken to a mental health hospital, but left without being cured – only stabilized by French alienist Esquirol – so that he could work again on his plan (he would later attempt suicide in 1827 by jumping off the Pont des Arts). In the time between this and their divorce, he published the six volumes of his Cours.
Comte developed a close friendship with John Stuart Mill. From 1844, Comte was involved with Clotilde de Vaux, a relationship that remained platonic. After her death in 1846 this love became quasi-religious, and Comte, working closely with Mill (who was refining his own such system) developed a new "religion of humanity". John Kells Ingram, an adherent of Comte, visited him 1855 in Paris.
He published four volumes of Système de politique positive (1851–1854). His final work, the first volume of "La Synthèse Subjective" ("The Subjective Synthesis"), was published in 1856.
Comte died in Paris on 5 September 1857 from stomach cancer and was buried in the famous Père Lachaise Cemetery, surrounded by cenotaphs in memory of his mother, Rosalie Boyer, and of Caroline de Vaux. His apartment from 1841–1857 is now conserved as the Maison d'Auguste Comte and is located 10 rue Monsieur-le-Prince, in Paris' 6th arrondissement.


Comte's positivism

Comte first described the epistemological perspective of positivism in The Course in Positive Philosophy, a series of texts published between 1830 and 1842. These texts were followed by the 1848 work, A General View of Positivism (published in English in 1865). The first three volumes of the Course dealt chiefly with the physical sciences already in existence (mathematics, astronomy, physics, chemistry, biology), whereas the latter two emphasised the inevitable coming of social science. Observing the circular dependence of theory and observation in science, and classifying the sciences in this way, Comte may be regarded as the first philosopher of science in the modern sense of the term.[6] Comte was also the first to distinguish natural philosophy from science explicitly. For him, the physical sciences had necessarily to arrive first, before humanity could adequately channel its efforts into the most challenging and complex "Queen science" of human society itself. His View of Positivism would therefore set out to define, in more detail, the empirical goals of sociological method.[citation needed]
Comte offered an account of social evolution, proposing that society undergoes three phases in its quest for the truth according to a general 'law of three stages'. The idea bears some similarity to Marx's view that human society would progress toward a communist peak.[citation needed] This is perhaps unsurprising as both were profoundly influenced by the early Utopian socialist, Henri de Saint-Simon, who was at one time Comte's teacher and mentor. Both Comte and Marx intended to develop, scientifically, a new secular ideology in the wake of European secularisation.[citation needed]
Comte's stages were (1) the theological, (2) the metaphysical, and (3) the positive.[7] The Theological phase was seen from the perspective of 19th century France as preceding the Enlightenment, in which man's place in society and society's restrictions upon man were referenced to God. Man blindly believed in whatever he was taught by his ancestors. He believed in a supernatural power. Fetishism played a significant role during this time. By the "Metaphysical" phase, he referred not to the Metaphysics of Aristotle or other ancient Greek philosophers. Rather, the idea was rooted in the problems of French society subsequent to the revolution of 1789. This Metaphysical phase involved the justification of universal rights as being on a vauntedly higher plane than the authority of any human ruler to countermand, although said rights were not referenced to the sacred beyond mere metaphor. This stage is known as the stage of investigation, because people started reasoning and questioning although no solid evidence was laid. The stage of investigation was the beginning of a world that questioned authority and religion. In the Scientific phase, which came into being after the failure of the revolution and of Napoleon, people could find solutions to social problems and bring them into force despite the proclamations of human rights or prophecy of the will of God. Science started to answer questions in full stretch. In this regard he was similar to Karl Marx and Jeremy Bentham. For its time, this idea of a Scientific phase was considered up-to-date, although from a later standpoint it is too derivative of classical physics and academic history. Comte's law of three stages was one of the first theories of social evolutionism.
The other universal law he called the "encyclopedic law." By combining these laws, Comte developed a systematic and hierarchical classification of all sciences, including inorganic physics (astronomy, earth science and chemistry) and organic physics (biology and, for the first time, physique sociale, later renamed sociologie). Independently from Emmanuel Joseph Sieyès's introduction of the term in 1780, Comte re-invented "sociologie", and introduced the term as a neologism, in 1838. Comte had earlier used the term "social physics", but that term had been appropriated by others, notably Adolphe Quetelet.
"The most important thing to determine was the natural order in which the sciences stand — not how they can be made to stand, but how they must stand, irrespective of the wishes of any one....This Comte accomplished by taking as the criterion of the position of each the degree of what he called "positivity", which is simply the degree to which the phenomena can be exactly determined. This, as may be readily seen, is also a measure of their relative complexity, since the exactness of a science is in inverse proportion to its complexity. The degree of exactness or positivity is, moreover, that to which it can be subjected to mathematical demonstration, and therefore mathematics, which is not itself a concrete science, is the general gauge by which the position of every science is to be determined. Generalizing thus, Comte found that there were five great groups of phenomena of equal classificatory value but of successively decreasing positivity. To these he gave the names astronomy, physics, chemistry, biology, and sociology."
Lester F. Ward, The Outlines of Sociology (1898), [8]
This idea of a special science—not the humanities, not metaphysics—for the social was prominent in the 19th century and not unique to Comte. It has recently been discovered that the term "sociology" - a term considered coined by Comte - had already been introduced in 1780, albeit with a different meaning, by the French essayist Emmanuel Joseph Sieyès(1748–1836).[9] The ambitious—many would say grandiose—way that Comte conceived of this special science of the social, however, was unique. Comte saw this new science, sociology, as the last and greatest of all sciences, one which would include all other sciences and integrate and relate their findings into a cohesive whole. It has to be pointed out, however, that there was a seventh science, one even greater than sociology. Namely, Comte considered "Anthropology, or true science of Man [to be] the last gradation in the Grand Hierarchy of Abstract Science."[10]

The motto Ordem e Progresso ("Order and Progress") in the flag of Brazil is inspired by Auguste Comte's motto of positivism: L'amour pour principe et l'ordre pour base; le progrès pour but ("Love as a principle and order as the basis; Progress as the goal"). Several of those involved in the military coup d'état that deposed the monarchy and proclaimed Brazil a republic were followers of the ideas of Comte.[11]
Comte's explanation of the Positive philosophy introduced the important relationship between theory, practice and human understanding of the world. On page 27 of the 1855 printing of Harriet Martineau's translation of The Positive Philosophy of Auguste Comte, we see his observation that, "If it is true that every theory must be based upon observed facts, it is equally true that facts can not be observed without the guidance of some theories. Without such guidance, our facts would be desultory and fruitless; we could not retain them: for the most part we could not even perceive them."[12]
Comte is generally regarded as the first Western sociologist (Ibn Khaldun having preceded him in North Africa by nearly four centuries). Comte's emphasis on the interconnectedness of social elements was a forerunner of modern functionalism. Nevertheless, as with many others of Comte's time, certain elements of his work are now viewed as eccentric and unscientific, and his grand vision of sociology as the centerpiece of all the sciences has not come to fruition.
His emphasis on a quantitative, mathematical basis for decision-making remains with us today. It is a foundation of the modern notion of Positivism, modern quantitative statistical analysis, and business decision-making. His description of the continuing cyclical relationship between theory and practice is seen in modern business systems of Total Quality Management and Continuous Quality Improvement where advocates describe a continuous cycle of theory and practice through the four-part cycle of plan, do, check, and act. Despite his advocacy of quantitative analysis, Comte saw a limit in its ability to help explain social phenomena.
The early sociology of Herbert Spencer came about broadly as a reaction to Comte; writing after various developments in evolutionary biology, Spencer attempted to reformulate the discipline in what we might now describe as socially Darwinistic terms.
Comte's fame today owes in part to Émile Littré, who founded The Positivist Review in 1867. Debates continue to rage, however, as to how much Comte appropriated from the work of his mentor, Henri de Saint-Simon.

AUGUS COMTE profile versi indonesia

August Comte atau juga Auguste Comte (Nama panjang: Isidore Marie Auguste François Xavier Comte; lahir di Montpellier, Perancis, 17 Januari 1798 – meninggal di Paris, Perancis, 5 September 1857 pada umur 59 tahun) adalah seorang ilmuwan Perancis yang dijuluki sebagai "bapak sosiologi". Dia dikenal sebagai orang pertama yang mengaplikasikan metode ilmiah dalam ilmu sosial.


Comte lahir di Montpellier, sebuah kota kecil di bagian barat daya dari negara Perancis. Setelah bersekolah disana, ia melanjutkan pendidikannya di Politeknik École di Paris. Politeknik École saat itu terkenal dengan kesetiaannya kepada idealis republikanisme dan filosofi proses. Pada tahun 1818, politeknik tersebut ditutup untuk re-organisasi. Comte pun meninggalkan École dan melanjutkan pendidikannya di sekolah kedokteran di Montpellier.
Tak lama kemudian, ia melihat sebuah perbedaan yang mencolok antara agama Katolik yang ia anut dengan pemikiran keluarga monarki yang berkuasa sehingga ia terpaksa meninggalkan Paris. Kemudian pada bulan Agustus 1817 dia menjadi murid sekaligus sekertaris dari Claude Henri de Rouvroy, Comte de Saint-Simon, yang kemudian membawa Comte masuk ke dalam lingkungan intelek. Pada tahun 1824, Comte meninggalkan Saint-Simon karena lagi-lagi ia merasa ada ketidakcocokan dalam hubungannya.
Saat itu, Comte mengetahui apa yang ia harus lakukan selanjutnya: meneliti tentang filosofi positivisme. Rencananya ini kemudian dipublikasikan dengan nama Plan de travaux scientifiques nécessaires pour réorganiser la société (1822) (Indonesia: Rencana studi ilmiah untuk pengaturan kembali masyarakat). Tetapi ia gagal mendapatkan posisi akademis sehingga menghambat penelitiannya. Kehidupan dan penelitiannya kemudian mulai bergantung pada sponsor dan bantuan finansial dari beberapa temannya.
Ia kemudian menikahi seorang wanita bernama Caroline Massin. Comte dikenal arogan, kejam dan mudah marah sehingga pada tahun 1826 dia dibawa ke sebuah rumah sakit jiwa, tetapi ia kabur sebelum sembuh. Kemudian setelah kondisinya distabilkan oleh Massin, ia mengerjakan kembali apa yang dulu direncanakannya. Namun sayangnya, ia bercerai dengan Massin pada tahun 1842 karena alasan yang belum diketahui. Saat-saat di antara pengerjaan kembali rencananya sampai pada perceraiannya, ia mempublikasikan bukunya yang berjudul Le Cours de Philosophie Positivistic.
Pada tahun 1844, Comte menjalin kasih dengan Clotilde de Vaux, dalam hubungan yang tetap platonis. Setelah Clotilde wafat, kisah cinta ini menjadi quasi-religius. Tak lama setelahnya, Comte, yang merasa dirinya adalah seorang penemu sekaligus seorang nabi dari "agama kemanusiaan" (religion of humanity), menerbitkan bukunya yang berjudul Système de politique positive (1851 - 1854).
Dia wafat di Paris pada tanggal 5 September 1857 dan dimakamkan di Cimetière du Père Lachaise.


motto Ordem e Progresso ("Order and Progress") yang tertulis pada bendera Brazil terinspirasi dari motto postivisme August Comte: L'amour pour principe et l'ordre pour base; le progrès pour but ("Cinta sebagai sebuah prinsip dan perintah sebagai basisnya; proses sebagai tujuannya"). Kata-kata tersebut dijadikan motto karena berdasarkan fakta, orang-orang yang melakukan kudeta militer yang kemudian menjatuhkan monarki dan memproklamasikan Brazil sebagai republik adalah para pengikut pemikiran Comte.
Comte melihat satu hukum universal dalam semua ilmu pengetahuan yang kemudian ia sebut sebagai 'hukum tiga fase'. Melalui hukumnya ia mulai dikenal di seluruh wilayah berbahasa Inggris (English-speaking world); menurutnya, masyarakat berkembang melalui tiga fase: Teologi, Metafisika, dan tahap positif (atau sering juga disebut "tahap ilmiah").
Fase Teologi dilihat dari prespektif abad ke-19 sebagai permulaan abad pencerahan, dimana kedudukan seorang manusia dalam masyarakat dan pembatasan norma dan nilai manusia didapatkan didasari pada perintah Tuhan. Meskipun memiliki sebutan yang sama, fase Metafisika Comte sangat berbeda dengan teori Metafisika yang dikemukakan oleh Aristoteles atau ilmuwan Yunani kuno lainnya; pemikiran Comte berakar pada permasalahan masyarakat Perancis pasca-revolusi PerancisRevolusi. Fase Metafisika ini merupakan justifikasi dari "hak universal" sebagai hal yang pada [atas] suatu wahana [yang] lebih tinggi dibanding otoritas tentang segala [penguasa/penggaris] manusia untuk membatalkan perintah lalu, walaupun berkata [hak/ kebenaran] tidaklah disesuaikan kepada yang suci di luar semata-mata kiasan. Apa yang ia mengumumkan dengan istilah nya Tahap yang ilmiah, Yang menjadi nyata setelah kegagalan revolusi dan [tentang] Napoleon, orang-orang bisa temukan solusi ke permasalahan sosial dan membawa [mereka/nya] ke dalam kekuatan di samping proklamasi hak azasi manusia atau nubuatan kehendak Tuhan. Mengenai ini ia adalah serupa untuk Karl Marx Dan Jeremy Bentham. Karena waktu nya, ini gagasan untuk suatu Tahap ilmiah telah dipertimbangkan terbaru, walaupun dari suatu sudut pandang kemudiannya [itu] adalah [yang] terlalu derivative untuk ilmu fisika klasik dan sejarah akademis.
Hukum universal lain [yang] ia [memanggil/hubungi] ' hukum yang seperti ensiklopedi'. Dengan kombinasi hukum ini, Comte mengembang;kan suatu penggolongan [yang] hirarkis dan sistematis dari semua ilmu pengetahuan, termasuk ilmu fisika tidak tersusun teratur ( ilmu perbintangan, ilmu pengetahuan bumi dan ilmu kimia) dan ilmu fisika organik ( biologi dan untuk pertama kali, bentuk badan sociale, dinamai kembali kemudiannya sociologie).
Ini gagasan untuk suatu science—not khusus ras manusia, [yang] bukan metaphysics—for sosial adalah terkemuka abad yang 19th dan tidak unik ke Comte. Ambitious—Many akan kata[kan grandiose—way yang Comte membayangkan tentangnya, bagaimanapun, adalah unik.
Comte lihat ilmu pengetahuan baru ini, sosiologi, [seperti;sebagai;ketika] [yang] terbesar dan yang ter]akhir dari semua ilmu pengetahuan, apa yang itu akan meliputi semua lain ilmu pengetahuan, dan yang akan mengintegrasikan dan menghubungkan penemuan mereka ke dalam suatu [yang] utuh kompak.
Comte’S penjelasan Filosofi yang positif memperkenalkan hubungan yang penting antar[a] teori, praktik dan pemahaman manusia dunia. Pada [atas] halaman 27 yang 1855 [yang] mencetak Harriet Martineau’S terjemahan Filosofi Auguste [yang] Yang positif Comte, kita lihat pengamatan nya bahwa, “ Jika adalah benar bahwa tiap-tiap teori harus didasarkan diamati fakta, [itu] dengan sama benar yang fakta tidak bisa diamati tanpa bimbingan beberapa teori. Tanpa . seperti (itu) bimbingan, fakta [kita/kami] akan bersifat tanpa buah dan tak teratur; kita tidak bisa mempertahankan [mereka/nya]: sebagian terbesar kita tidak bisa genap merasa [mereka/nya]. ( Comte, A. ( 1974 cetak ulang). Filosofi yang positif Auguste Comte [yang] dengan [cuma-cuma/bebas] yang diterjemahkan dan yang dipadatkan oleh Harriet Martineau. New York, NY: ADALAH Tekanan. ( Pekerjaan asli menerbitkan 1855, New York, NY: Calvin Blanchard, p. 27.)
Ia coined kata[an] "altruism" untuk mengacu pada apa yang ia percaya untuk menjadi kewajiban moral individu untuk melayani (orang) yang lain dan menempatkan minat mereka di atas diri sendiri. Ia menentang;kan [itu] gagasan untuk [hak/ kebenaran] individu, pemeliharaan yang mereka tidaklah konsisten dengan etis diharapkan ini ( Ini ( Catechisme Positiviste).

[Seperti] yang telah menyebutkan, Comte merumuskan hukum tiga langkah-langkah, salah satu [dari] teori yang pertama evolutionism yang sosial: pengembangan manusia itu ( kemajuan sosial) maju dari theological langkah, di mana alam[i] secara dongengan dipahami/dikandung dan orang [laki-laki] mencari penjelasan [dari;ttg] gejala alami dari mahluk hal-hal yang gaib, melalui/sampai metaphysical langkah di mana alam[i] telah membayangkan sebagai hasil mengaburkan kekuatan dan orang [laki-laki] mencari penjelasan [dari;ttg] gejala alami dari [mereka/nya] sampai yang akhir [itu] Positive Langkah di mana semua abstrak dan mengaburkan kekuatan dibuang, dan gejala alami diterangkan oleh hubungan tetap mereka. Kemajuan ini dipaksa melalui/sampai pengembangan pikiran manusia, dan meningkat(kan) aplikasi pikiran, pemikiran dan logika kepada pemahaman dunia.
Di (dalam) Seumur hidup Comte's, pekerjaan nya kadang-kadang dipandang secara skeptis sebab ia telah mengangkat Paham positifisme untuk a agama dan yang telah nama [sen]dirinya Sri Paus Paham positifisme. Ia coined istilah " sosiologi" untuk menandakan ilmu pengetahuan masyarakat yang baru]]. Ia mempunyai lebih awal menggunakan ungkapan [itu], " ilmu fisika sosial," untuk mengacu pada ilmu pengetahuan masyarakat yang positif; tetapi sebab (orang) yang lain, [yang] khususnya Orang statistik Belgia Adolphe Quetelet, dimulai yang telah untuk menggunakan itu memasukkan [adalah] suatu maksud/arti berbeda, Comte merasa[kan kebutuhan [itu] untuk menemukan [itu] pembentukan kata baru, " sosiologi," a hybrid tentang Latin " socius" (" teman").
Comte biasanya dihormati [ketika;seperti] lebih dulu Sarjana sosiologi barat ( Ibn Khaldun setelah didahului dia di (dalam) Timur dengan hampir empat berabad-abad). Penekanan Comte's pada [atas] saling behubungan [dari;ttg] unsur-unsur sosial adalah suatu pertanda [dari;ttg] modern functionalism. Meskipun demikian, [seperti/ketika] dengan (orang) yang lain banyak orang [dari;ttg] Waktu Comte's, unsur-unsur [yang] tertentu [dari;ttg] pekerjaan nya kini dipandang sebagai tak ilmiah dan eksentrik, dan visi agung sosiologi nya [sebagai/ketika] benda hiasan di tengah meja dari semua ilmu pengetahuan belum mengakar.
Penekanan nya pada [atas] suatu kwantitatif, mathematical basis untuk pengambilan keputusan tinggal dengan [kita/kami] hari ini. [Ini] merupakan suatu pondasi bagi dugaan Paham positifisme yang modern, analisa statistik kwantitatif modern, dan pengambilan keputusan bisnis. Uraian nya hubungan siklis yang berlanjut antar[a] teori dan praktik dilihat di sistem bisnis modern Total Manajemen Berkwalitas dan Peningkatan Mutu Berlanjut [di mana/jika] advokat menguraikan suatu siklus teori [yang] berlanjut dan praktik melalui/sampai four-part siklus rencana,, cek, dan bertindak. Di samping pembelaan analisis kuantitatif nya, Comte lihat suatu batas dalam kemampuan nya untuk membantu menjelaskan gejala sosial.

Sabtu, 08 September 2012

PS3 list game

007 James Bond Blood Stone    6.21GB
30 Dot Game Heroes    3.16 GB
50 Cent Blood on the Sand    6.05 GB
Afrika    18.1 GB
Afro Samurai    3.76 GB
Alone in The Dark Inferno    5.86 GB
Alpha Protocol    5.62 GB
Apache Air Assault    1.95 GB
Ar tonelico Qoga Knell of Ar Ciel    21.2 GB
Armored Core For Answer    14.2 GB
Army of Two    4.49 GB
Army of Two 40 days    4.62 GB
Assassin's Creed Brotherhood    7.5 GB
Assassin's Creed I    7.62 GB
Assassin's Creed II    16.1 GB
Atelier Rorona :Alchemist of Arland    3.97 GB
Baja Edge of Control    5.29 GB
Band Hero    6.29 GB
Batman Arkham Asylum    6.86 GB
Battlefield Bad Company    5.67 GB
Battlefield Bad Company 2    6.59 GB
Bayonetta    11 GB
Beowulf    3.29 GB
Bionic Commando    6.86 GB
Bioshock    11.6 GB
Bioshock 2    9.09 GB
Blacksite Area 51    7.91 GB
Bladestorm The Hundred Years    5.44 GB
Blazblue    3.98 GB
Blazblue Continuum Shift    5.35 GB
Blazing Angels 2 Secret Missions of WWII    12.7 GB
Blitz The League II    8.65 GB
Blur    6 GB
Borderlands    3.47 GB
Brink    5.39 GB
Brothers in Arms Hell's Highway    4.63 GB
Brutal Legend    7.58 GB
Bulletstorm    6 GB
Burnout Paradise    3.13 GB
Call of Duty 3    6.66 GB
Call of Duty Black Ops    17.8 GB
Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2    7.41 GB
Call of Duty World at War    11.4 GB
Castlevania Lords of Shadow    11.9 GB
Clive Barker's Jericho    3.36 GB
Colin McRae DiRT 2    6.79 GB
Command & Conquer Red Alert 3    18.9 GB
Conan    5.3 GB
Condemned 2: Bloodshot    6.49 GB
Conflict Denied Ops    7.86 GB
Crysis 2    5.55 GB
Damnation    5.71 GB
DanceDance Revolution    3.87 GB
Dante's Inferno    5.75 GB
Dark Sector    1.45 GB
Dark Void    4.99 GB
Darksiders    18.5 GB
De Blob 2    6.42 GB
Dead Rising 2    5.94 GB
Dead Space    7.71 GB
Dead Space 2    13.5 GB
Dead To Rights Retribution    5.93 GB
Demon's Soul    7.9 GB
Devil May Cry 4    7.86 GB
Disgaea 3    2.28 GB
DJ Hero 2 *requires MOVE Controller    3.55 GB
Dragon Age 2    6.3 GB
Dragon Age Origins    11.5 GB
Dragon Age Origins - Awakening    4.49 GB
Dragon Ball Raging Blast 2    7.15 GB
Dragon Ball Z Burst Limit    3.24 GB
Duke Nukem Forever 4.62 GB
Dynasty Warriors 6    19.2 GB
Dynasty Warriors 7    19.9 GB
Dynasty Warriors Gundam 1    5.24 GB
Dynasty Warriors Gundam 2    17.9 GB
Dynasty Warriors Strike Force    8.74 GB
Eat Lead The Return of Matt Hazard    5.66 GB
Enchanted Arms    14.8 GB
Enemy Territory QUAKE Wars    9.75 GB
Enslaved    4.81 GB
Eternal Sonata    10.3 GB
Everybody's Golf World Tour    5.8 GB
EyePet Move Edition    4.27 GB
F.E.A.R 3.68 GB
F.E.A.R 2    4.07 GB
F1 2010    4.5 GB
Facebreaker    2.87 GB
Fairytale Fight    5.17 GB
Fallout GOTY Edition    8.63 GB
Fallout New Vegas    9.51 GB
Far Cry 2    3.8 GB
Ferrari Challenge    1.73 GB
FIFA 2011    9.03 GB
FIFA South Africa 2010    6.7 GB
FIFA Street 3    2.63 GB
Fight Night Champion    5.31 GB
Fight Night Round 4    4.42 GB
Final Fantasy XIII    41.1 GB
Fist Of The North Star Ken's Rage    15.2 GB
Folklore    14.5 GB
Fracture    4.32 GB
Front Mission Evolved    9.67 GB
Fuel    3.7 GB
Full Auto 2 Battlelines    3.54 GB
G.I. Joe: Rise of Cobra    6.97 GB
Genji Days of The Blade    12.2 GB
God of War III    34.4 GB
Golden Axe Beast Rider    6.98 GB
Gran Turismo 5    19.4 GB
Grand Theft Auto 4    10.5 GB
Grand Theft Auto 4 Episodes From Liberty City    7.18 GB
Grid    15.8 GB
Guitar Hero 5     *requires Guitar/Mic/Drum Controller 6.86 GB
Guitar Hero Aerosmith *requires Guitar/Mic/Drum Controller    4.98 GB
Guitar Hero Metallica    *requires Guitar/Mic/Drum Controller 7.85 GB
Guitar Hero Warriors Of Rock *requires Guitar/Mic/Drum Controller    7.06 GB
Guitar Hero World Tour *requires Guitar/Mic/Drum Controller    7.13 GB
Gundam Musou 3 (Jap)    7.07 GB
Harry Potter and The Deathly Hallows    7.29 GB
Harry Potter Half Blood Prince    3.08 GB
Harry Potter Order Of Phoenix    4.42 GB
Haze    7.91 GB
Heavenly Sword    18.6 GB
Heavy Rain    20 GB
Heroes Over Europe    5.06 GB
Homefront    6.65 GB
Hunted The Demon Forge    12.6 GB
Hyperdimension Neptunia    3.91 GB
InFamous    6.84 GB
InFamous 2    14.3 GB
Initial-D Extreme Stage (JPN)    6.04 GB
Iron Man 2    7.44 GB
Juiced 2    3.67 GB
Just Cause 2    7.31 GB
Kane & Lynch 2 Dog Days    8.19 GB
Kane & Lynch Dead Man    9.69 GB
Katamari Forever    13.5 GB
Killzone 2    12 GB
Killzone 3 2D Version    22.5 GB
King Of Fighter XII    1.01 GB
Knights Contract    21 GB
Kung Fu Panda    9.65 GB
L.A Noire    23 GB
Lego Harry Potter    7.8 GB
Lego Indiana Jones    4.41 GB
Little Big Planet    7.95 GB
Little Big Planet 2    18.5 GB
Lost Planet Extreme Condition    8.13 GB
Lost Planet II    10.4 GB
Madden NFL 11    5.47 GB
Mafia II + DLC    7.24 GB
Majin and The Forsaken Kingdom    4.17 GB
Marvel Ultimate Alliance    6.84 GB
Marvel Ultimate Alliance 2    6.37 GB
Marvel vs Capcom 3    3.16 GB
Mass Effect 2    11.9 GB
Mayhem 3D    1.41 GB
Medal Of Honor Airborne    4.29 GB
Medal Of Honor Limited Edition    11 GB
Mercenaries 2    9.3 GB
Metal Gear Solid 4    30.1
Midnight Club Los Angeles    5.27 GB
Mindjack    3.75 GB
Mini Ninja    6.38 GB
Mirror's Edge    4.73 GB
MLB 11 The Show    20.1 GB
Mobile Suit Gundam Crossfire    4.36 GB
Mobile Suit Gundam Target in Sight    4.36 GB
Modnation Racers    8.98 GB
Mortal Kombat    9.77 GB
Mortal Kombat Vs DC Universe    5.8 GB
MotoGP 1011    3.02 GB
Motorstorm Apocalypse    18.8 GB
Motorstorm Pacific Rift    12 GB
MX vs ATX Untamed    2.8 GB
Naruto Ultimate Ninja Storm    7.05 GB
Naruto Ultimate Ninja Storm 2    8.46 GB
Nascar 2011    2.85 GB
NBA 2K11 (move)    7.01 GB
NBA Jam    1.24 GB
NBA Street Home Court    6.01 GB
Need For Speed Carbon    11.3 GB
Need For Speed Hot Pursuit    6.76 GB
Need For Speed ProStreet    5.74 GB
Need For Speed Shift    3.91 GB
Need For Speed Shift 2 Unleashed    5.95 GB
Need For Speed Undercover    6.71 GB
Nier    5.93 GB
Ninja Gaiden Zigma    11.2 GB
Ninja Gaiden Zigma 2    3.96 GB
Oblivion GOTY    5.84 GB
Operation Flashpoint Dragon Rising    8.94 GB
Operation Flashpoint Red River    17.2 GB
Overlord 2    3.49 GB
PES 2011    9.31 GB
PES 2012 8.52
Pirates of the Caribbean At World's End    5.29 GB
Prince Of Persia    4.78 GB
Prince Of Persia The Forgotten Sands    4.46 GB
Prison Break    3.33 GB
Prototype    6.59 GB
Quantum Theory    6.25 GB
Rango The Videogame    2.9 GB
Rapala Pro Bass Fishing (Move)    4.68 GB
Ratchet & Clank Future A krack In Time    18.9 GB
Ratchet & Clank Future Tools of Destruction    22.2 GB
Red Dead Redemption    7.43 GB
Red Dead Redemption Undead Nightmare    9.93 GB
Red Faction Guerilla    6.1 GB
Red Sheeds Profile    8.86 GB
Resident Evil 5 Gold Edition (Move Patch)    13.3 GB
Resistance 2    22.5 GB
Resistance Fall of Man    17.5 GB
Resonance Of Fate    7.41 GB
Ridge Racer 7    7.69 GB
Rock Band The Beatles *requires Music Controller    4.47 GB
Rock Band 3    *requires Music Controller 5.22 GB
R.U.S.E (move) 12 GB
Sacred 2    11 GB
Saint's Row 2    7.26 GB
Way of Samurai 4 (Samurai Dou 4 - JPN)    4.71 GB
SAW II    2.24 GB
Sega Rally Championship    3.35 GB
Sengoku Basara Samurai Heroes    10.8 GB
Shellshock 2    2.39 GB
Sid Meier Civilization Revolution    5.16 GB
Silent Hill Homecoming    7.45 GB
Singularity    5.91 GB
Siren Blood Curse    21.7 GB
Siren New Translations    12.2 GB
Skate 3    6.48 GB
SOCOM 4    22.2 GB
Sonic & SEGA All-Stars Racing    3.64 GB
Sonic Unleashed    7.51 GB
Soul Calibur IV    6.62 GB
Spider-Man Shattered Dimensions 12.2 GB
Spider-Man Web of Shadows    7.96 GB
Splatterhouse    4.94 GB
Split Second    6.25 GB
Sports Champions    11.9 GB
Star Ocean The Last Hope    22.5 GB
Star Wars The Force Unleashed    20.4 GB
Star Wars The Force Unleashed 2    11.3 GB
Stranglehold    6.5 GB
Stuntman Ignition    5.65 GB
Super Street Fighter 4    14 GB
Tales of Vesperia (JPN)    7.99 GB
Tears To Tiara (JPN)    10.5 GB
Tekken 6    11.5 GB
Test Drive Unlimited 2    8.99 GB
The Shoot ( Ps move )
The Bourne Conspiracy    6.18 GB
The Chronicles of Riddick Assault on Dark Athena    8.96 GB
The Eye of Judgement    12.4 GB
The Fight : Lights Out (Move)    12.6 GB
The Godfather II    10.6 GB
The Orange Box    16.8 GB
The Saboteur    6.13 GB
The Simpsons Game    5.74 GB
The Sly Collection
The Sims 3    6.18 GB
Tiger Woods PGA Tour 12 The Masters ( Move )    5.32 GB
Time Crisis 4    7.66 GB
Time Crisis: Razing Storm ( Ps move )
Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon Advanced Warfighter 2    10.1 GB
Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Vegas    9.77 GB
Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell - Double Agent    6.44 GB
Tom Clancy's H.A.W.K 2    8.62 GB
Tony Hawk - Proving Ground    7.25 GB
Tony Hawk's Project 8    5.09 GB
Top Spin 4    (Move)  4.79 GB
Toy Story 3 (Move)    7.25 GB
Transformers The War Of Cybertron    6.36 GB
Trinity Souls of Zill Oll    20.1 GB
Trinity Universe    4.98 GB
Tron Evolution    4.68 GB
Turok    5.96 GB
Two Worlds II    4.17 GB
Uncharted 2 Among Thieves    22.2 GB
Uncharted Drake's Fortune    21 GB
Unreal Tournament 3    4.28
Untold Legend Dark Kingdom    8.24 GB
Valkyria Chronicles    14.4 GB
Vanquish    11.5 GB
Venetica    5.34 GB
Viking    4.8 GB
Virtua Fighter 5    3.98 GB
Virtua Tennis 4 (Move)      4 GB
Wangan Midnight (JPN)    2.39 GB
Wanted Weapon of Fate    6.49 GB
Warriors Legends of Troy    14 GB
Wet    5.47 GB
Wheelman    6.18 GB
White Knight Chronicles International Edition    10.6 GB
Winning Eleven 2011    8.67 GB
Wolfenstein    8.64 GB
WRC FIA World Rally Championship    3.49 GB
WWE All Stars    6 GB
WWE Smackdown Vs Raw 2011    5.76 GB
X-Men Origins Wolverine    6.39 GB
Yakuza 3    20.1 GB
Yakuza 4    21.5 GB